Unlimited PBX cloud servers

All the popular VoIP software distributions

Multiple data centers & regions to choose from

No firewall/router configuration required

Combine multiple SIP trunk providers

Exclusive VoIP security infrastructure

Asterisk Hosting server racks


  • Memory1 GB
  • SSD Storage25 GB
  • Processors1 core
  • Estimated 2-way calls5-20
  • Snapshot backupsIncluded


  • Memory2 GB
  • SSD storage50 GB
  • Processors1 core
  • Estimated 2-way calls7-30
  • Snapshot backupsIncluded


  • Memory4 GB
  • SSD storage80 GB
  • Processors2 cores
  • Estimated 2-way calls10-40
  • Snapshot backupsIncluded


  • Memory8 GB
  • SSD storage100 GB
  • Processors2 cores
  • Estimated 2-way calls15-60
  • Snapshot backupsIncluded

Selectable Asterisk, FreeSWITCH and FreePBX® Software

Choose from any of the following pre-installed and pre-configured business phone systems. Your cloud server will operate exactly the same as it would if the software was installed on your own hardware.  We ensure your server is secured for use in a cloud hosting environment with our custom security layers. You can also tap into our expertise for advice on many common questions.

If you do not see a particular distribution listed, please let us know and we will try accommodate you.

To optimize VoIP quality when procuring an Asterisk or Freeswitch server, it is advisable to choose the closest data center. Similarly, when selecting a SIP trunk service, opt for providers with points of presence in the same region to minimize latency. Alternatively, consider aggregate providers which boast direct media connections between the PBX server and the telecom carriers they connect to, ensuring favorable low-latency characteristics.