PowerPBX Asterisk Reseller Hosting   

Reseller Hosting Program

Month to month reseller pricing starts at a 10% discount to retail pricing.  Prices get lower from there depending on how many virtual servers are used.

NOTE:  If you would like to consider our reseller program and have questions that cannot be found on our website we will be happy to answer them.  However, we require potential resellers to sign up for at least 1 month on one of our regular retail plans so they can familiarize themselves with our product.  After that we will answer any questions you may have.  Existing retail products and client accounts can be moved to a reseller account at any time.


Leverage our deep background and experience hosting Asterisk & Freeswitch to do all the heavy lifting for you in the background.  You control how much disk space, memory, and bandwidth each customer gets.  White label or custom branding means we are your silent partner.  Save anywhere from 10 to over 30% compared to our regular plans.

You get access to our hardened, secure, well tested infrastructure with preconfigured Asterisk & Freeswitch hosting servers.  This allows you to resell Asterisk and Freeswitch hosting to your clients with minimal technical expertise and effort and no up front investment.  Bundle it with SIP trunks, SIP phones, and PBX support for your own value added Asterisk and Freeswitch hosting service.

What we offer:

*Control panel for VPS client management and configuration.  Screenshots available herehere, here, and here.
*VoIP hosting template pre-configured.  Just log in and set up extensions, trunks, and dialplans.
*Dedicated servers that only host Asterisk & FreeswitchVoIP is very sensitive to the sporadic load and I/O which is typical when using a general purpose hosting provider.  These server operating profiles are not a problem for general purpose users but often quite disruptive to VoIP users.  Since we only host Asterisk and Freeswitch users, our servers have relatively constant load and I/O which we optimize for VoIP usage.
*Tier 2 support for common problems.
*Reverse DNS on request.

What we do not offer:

*Hardware connections to the telephone networkConnections to the telephone network (so you can get a telephone number and make/receive calls to regular phones) are done using 3rd party SIP trunk providers.  There are hundreds of these providers around the world.  As long as they are compatible with Asterisk/Freepbx they will work on our system.
*PBX Administration Although we can offer advice for common questions you are generally responsible for setting up client extensions, trunks, and dial plans.
*Install/configure additional software.
*Authoritative DNS for your clients domainsA domain is not required to use an Asterisk PBX.  The options are as follows: 
1) You can simply point phones/browsers to the public IP we assign to your server. 
2) You can use a free service like dyndns.org. 
3) You can point an existing domain to the IP we assign to your server.  
4) You can register a new domain with any 3rd party domain provider. 
5) You can add a hostname to an existing domain and point it to the IP we assign to your server.  For example, create a new host called "pbx" in the 'A record' of your DNS settings for your domain, point that host to the IP we assign to your VPS and access it by using "pbx.mydomain.com

*Direct support to your clients.
*BillingWe bill you for your reseller account.  You are responsible for billing your clients.
*BackupsYou are responsible for client backups.  We may consider offering this service if there is sufficient interest 

Asterisk Distributions

PowerPBX v13: A lean mean telephony machine.  Preconfigured CentOS v6+Asterisk v11+Latest Freepbx.  Well tested in our VPS environment.  Optimized for high performance with low memory usage.  Source based for maximum compatibility, stability, and easy upgrades direct from developers as they release them without dependencies.  Highly maintained and current with latest stable releases.

PowerPBX Ubuntu v13: Preconfigured on the Ubuntu v14 operating system. Otherwise it is exactly the same as our PowerPBX distribution on CentOS.

PowerPBX v11: A lean mean telephony machine.  Preconfigured CentOS v6+Asterisk v11+Latest Freepbx.  Well tested in our VPS environment.  Optimized for high performance with low memory usage.  Source based for maximum compatibility, stability, and easy upgrades direct from developers as they release them without dependencies.  Highly maintained and current with latest stable releases.

PowerPBX Ubuntu v11: Preconfigured on the Ubuntu v14 operating system. Otherwise it is exactly the same as our PowerPBX distribution on CentOS.

Asterisk v13: CentOS 6 + Asterisk 13. For the do it yourselfer who prefers working with Asterisk configuration files directly instead of a GUI such as Freepbx

Asterisk on Ubuntu v13: Ubuntu v12 + Asterisk 13. For the do it yourselfer who prefers working with Asterisk on the Ubuntu operating system.

Custom branded server: You supply the logo and we will apply it to GUI, replacing any existing logo as well as redirecting links to your website.  We can help you choose a distribution if you have one you prefer along with any defaults you may require.  We will also consider adding additional software depending on what you want to do.

Choose from any of our data centers each time you create a new VPS


» Reseller Plans
Plans 3+ PBX's 6+ PBX's 10+ PBX's Dedicated Server
CPU 4 Cores 4 Cores 4 Cores 4-8+ Cores exclusive use
Memory 1500+ MB1500MB for up to 3 servers, 2000MB for up to 4, 2500MB for up to 5 3000+ MB3000MB for up to 6 servers, 3500MB for up to 7, 4000MB for up to 8, 4500MB for up to 9  5000MB+ 8,16,32+ GBselectable
Monthly Bandwidth200GB of bandwidth per month roughly translates into more than 3000 hours of 2 way conversation without bandwidth compression.  Put another way, that equals 8 simultaneous 2-way calls 12 hours a day 7 days a week for 30 days. 6000+ GB3000GB for up to 3 servers, 4000GB for up to 4, 5000GB for up to 5 6000+ GB6000GB for up to 6 servers, 7000GB for up to 7, 8000GB for up to 8, 10000GB for up to 10 10000+ GB 10000+ GBDepends on Datacenter
User AccountsFor client access to server control panel.  Multiple accounts per server are possible. 6+6 user accounts for up to 3 servers, 8 for up to 4, 10 for up to 5 12+12 user accounts for up to 6 servers, 14 for up to 7, 16 for up to 8, 18 for up to 9 20+ unlimited
Disk space 30+ GB30GB for up to 3 servers, 40GB for up to 4, 50GB for up to 5 60+ GB60GB for up to 6 servers, 70GB for up to 7, 80GB for up to 8, 90GB for up to 9 100+ GB selectable
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» Virtual Private Server Features
One public IP address allocated per server So for example if you order 3 servers you are allocated 3 public IP's.   You have the option to create only 2 servers and give one of them 2 public IP's if there was some reason you wanted to do that. Yes Yes Yes Yes""
Control PanelThe control panel allows you to create VPS's, user accounts, and allocate memory/disk space etc. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tier 2 email and trouble ticket support Yes Yes Yes Yes
Downloadable server backupThis is a snapshot in a point in time of your entire server. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Root access (SSH/SFTP, Console)You have root SSH/SFTP access directly to your server.  You can also access your server via your control panel even if your server network connection stops working for some reason. Yes Yes Yes Yes
» You Can
Add iptables firewall, allow/block ports unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited
BackupsYou can backup and download a snapshot of your entire server using our control panel or use the backup module included with Freepbx. manual manual manual manual
» Other capabilities and features
NAT/Firewall TraversalUsing SIP phones or SIP software behind routers and firewalls, in airports, at cafes, at home etc. to connect to our Asterisk servers is generally not a problem because of the way our system is designed.  This is a huge advantage over office servers which are typically hard to connect to externally with SIP phones and require special settings on the firewall/router and on the Asterisk server. Yes Yes Yes Yes
100/1000Mb Internet ConnectionAll physical servers have a 100Mb/s or 1000Mb/s up & down internet connection. Yes Yes Yes
Conference CallingAsterisk conference calling is included on all distributions.  Some additional configuration may be necessary on our servers in some instances and will be provided on request. Yes Yes Yes Yes
TUN/TAP & G729TUN/TAP is a requirement for OpenVPN.  If you want to register an existing Digium G729 license on the server there is a custom requirement.  Let us know if you plan to use either of these so we can enable the feature for you. Yes Yes Yes Yes
» Purchase
Plans 3+ PBX's 6+ PBX's 10+ PBX's Dedicated Server
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